De his quae poenae causa relinquuntur
(Concerning Bequests Made by Way of Penalty.)
1Africanus libro ..... quaestionum. Filio familias vel servo herede instituto etiam si in patris dominive poenam illicite vel probrose datum est, nullius momenti legatum esse respondit: non enim id solum, quod in heredes, sed omne, quod in cuiusque lucrum aliquid ex ultima voluntate sentientis talem poenam in testamento scriptum sit, nullius momenti habendum.
1Africanus, Questions. Where a son under paternal control or a slave is appointed an heir, and the testator also illegally or insultingly bequeaths a legacy which will operate as a penalty against the father or the master, it has been held that the legacy is of no force or effect; for every bequest included in a will which is prompted by a desire for revenge, whether it is left to an heir or to anyone else who derives benefit from the last will of the testator, must be considered void.
2Marcianus libro sexto institutionum. Poenam a condicione voluntas testatoris separat et an poena, an condicio, an translatio sit, ex voluntate defuncti apparet: idque divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt.
2Marcianus, Institutes, Book VI. The will of the testator distinguishes a penalty from a condition, and whether it is a penalty, a condition, or a transfer that is referred to in the legacy, must be ascertained from the intention of the deceased. This the Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript.