Si ventris nomine muliere in possessionem missa eadem possessio dolo malo ad alium translata esse dicatur
(Where a Woman is Placed in Possession of the Estate of Her Husband in the Name of Her Unborn Child, and This Possession is Said to Have Been Fraudulently Transferred to Another.)
1Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Hoc edicto rectissime praetor prospexit, ne, dum in favorem partus possessionem polliceatur, aliis praedae occasionem praebeat: 1Idcirco constituit actionem in mulierem, quae in alium hanc possessionem dolo malo transtulit. non solum mulierem praetor coercet, verum eum quoque in cuius potestate ea fuerit, scilicet si dolo ipsorum alius in possessionem fuerit admissus, actionemque in tantum pollicetur in eos, quanti interfuit eius qui experitur. 2Necessario praetor adiecit, ut, qui per dolum venit in possessionem, cogatur decedere: coget autem eum decedere non praetoria potestate vel manu ministrorum, sed melius et civilius faciet, si eum per interdictum ad ius ordinarium remiserit. 3Interest autem eius qui experitur admissum alium in possessionem non fuisse, cum forte bona fide fructus perceptos consumpserit, aut si praedo venerit in possessionem, a quo fructus consequi non possit, quia solvendo non est. 4Haec actio etiam post annum dabitur, quia rei habet persecutionem. 5Et si filia familias sit quae dolo fecit, in patrem dabitur actio, si quid ad eum pervenerit.
1Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. The Prætor has most properly provided by this Edict that the possession which he promises in favor of an unborn child shall not give occasion to the depredations of others. 1He, therefore, establishes an action against a woman who fraudulently transfers this possession to another. For not only does he exercise his authority over the woman herself, but also over anyone under whose control she may be; that is to say, where another is allowed to obtain possession through their fraudulent acts, and he promises an action against them to the extent of the interest of the party who institutes the proceedings. 2The Prætor necessarily adds that where anyone has fraudulently obtained possession of the property he shall be compelled to relinquish it. He will, however, compel him to do this not through the authority of his office, or by means of his subordinates, but he attains his object better, and more in accordance with the Civil Law when, by means of an interdict, he compels the party in question to have recourse to the ordinary procedure. 3It is to the interest of him who institutes the proceedings, that another should not be allowed to obtain possession when the latter has consumed the income collected in good faith, or when a depredator has obtained possession, and the income cannot be recovered from him, for the reason that he is insolvent. 4This action will be granted even after the expiration of a year, because its object is the recovery of the property. 5If the woman who has committed the fraud is under paternal control, an action will be granted against her father, if any of the property has come into his hands.
2Paulus libro trigesimo septimo ad edictum. Dolo facit mulier, non quae in possessionem venientem non prohibet, sed quae circumscribendi alicuius causa clam et per quandam machinationem in possessionem introducat. 1Si et patris et filiae factum arguetur, in alterum quem actor velit reddenda est actio. quia in id quod agentis interest datur, ideo, si id quod ei abest ab eo qui in potestate est servari possit, praeter sumptus litis causa factos inutilis erit ei haec actio.
2Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXVII. A woman acts fraudulently who does not prevent another party from obtaining possession; or for the purpose of defrauding anyone, places another in possession clandestinely, and by means of some artifice. 1If fraud is proved to have been committed by the father and the daughter, an action can be brought against either of them whom the plaintiff may select; because it is granted in favor of the party in interest. Therefore he can recover anything which he may have lost from the woman who is under paternal control, but this action will not be available to him beyond the expenses incurred by the prosecution of the case.