De quibus rebus ad eundem iudicem eatur
(Concerning Certain Matters Which Come Before the Same Judge.)
1Pomponius libro tertio decimo ad Sabinum. Si inter plures familiae erciscundae agetur et inter eosdem communi dividundo aut finium regundorum, eundem iudicem sumendum: praeterea, quo facilius coire coheredes vel socii possunt, in eundem locum omnium praesentiam fieri oportet.
1Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIII. Where an action for the partition of an estate and one for the division of property held in common or for the establishment of boundaries is brought between several persons, the same judge should be selected; and, moreover, they should all be present in the same place, in order that the co-heir or joint-owners may the more easily assemble.
2Papinianus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum ex pluribus tutoribus unus, quod ceteri non sint idonei, convenitur, postulante eo omnes ad eundem iudicem mittuntur: et hoc rescriptis principum continetur.
2Papinianus, Questions, Book II. Where one of several guardians is sued because the others are not solvent, and this one requests it, they can all be brought before the same judge; and this is set forth in Imperial Rescripts.